Corporate Social Responsibility

Ecoflora and the community

At Ecoflora Cares, the processes of supplying biodiversity derived products are jointly developed with ethnic groups and farmer communities that own the natural resources. To this end, we establish alliances with organized community-based groups, local marketers and NGOs for the development of sustainable supply and resource management processes.


We promote the development of sustainable harvesting practices, social and organizational processes under the parameters of the Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) of which we are members. To this end, we are committed to complying with the principles and criteria of BioTrade in aspects such as conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, fair and equitable distribution of benefits, regulatory compliance and social and environmental responsibility.

We promote the sustainable use of Colombian biodiversity as a mechanism for its protection. Understanding the value of our natural resources means protecting them in order to always obtain benefits without destroying the nature that provides them.